domingo, 26 de outubro de 2008

Who am I?

Hi! My name is Débora Lisiane Carneiro Tura. I live in Quevedos, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. I'm 34 years old. My birthday is on 24 August. I work at Dom Pedro I School in Quevedos. I teach English since 5th grade in Elementary School until 3rd grade in High School. I teach Portuguese, too. My hobbies are reading, taking a walk, playing with my daughters, watching movie, listening to music and surfing on the internet. My favourite music groups are Jota Quest, Nenhum de Nós and Papas da Língua. I also enjoy Marisa Montes and Ana Carolina. My favourite kind of movie are comedia, adventure and animation. I enjoy Shrek, Harry Potter, Brother Bear ... They're very interesting and funny.

2 comentários:

Jorge Marques disse...


não me esqueci do tutorial do podcast. Até a próxima semana enviarei para cada um de vcs.

Débora Lisiane Carneiro disse...

oi, Jorge
Legal, assim consigo matar a curiosidade de saber como é fazer um podcast!

s u